Between Horizons offers a 2.5D pixel art escapade, spotlighting a w...
Between Horizons offers a 2.5D pixel art escapade, spotlighting a world where player-led stories, discovery, and sleuthing take center stage. As detectives aboard the Zephyr spaceship, players exercise their investigative prowess to solve puzzles and steer the narrative, with each decision leaving a distinct imprint on the unfolding tale. Gathering hints, linking evidence, and engaging with the...
Between Horizons offers a 2.5D pixel art escapade, spotlighting a world where player-led stories, discovery, and sleuthing take center stage. As detectives aboard the Zephyr spaceship, players exercise their investigative prowess to solve puzzles and steer the narrative, with each decision leaving a distinct imprint on the unfolding tale. Gathering hints, linking evidence, and engaging with the ship's inhabitants are all in a day's work.
The game's essence lies in its decision-making, presenting dilemmas that challenge players to question their ethical standing. "Beyond Horizons" ensures that every story marches on, even when choices seem erroneous, imbuing each decision with profound significance and consequences.