Dragon Age Sequel Teased By Voice Actor

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The next big entry to BioWare's Dragon Age series is well underway with the voice actor for the Elven Inquisitor snapping a selfie in the recording booth.

Officially a new Dragon Age is yet to be announced by BioWare and Electronic Arts but fans already know the follow-up to Dragon Age: Inquisition is taking place around the Tevinter Imperium - the oldest nation to exist in the world of Thedas.

"Back in the studio and breaking worlds apart... she's a very very very angry #Elf," posted Alix Wilton Regan.

As with the previous Dragon Age games, the new title will be taking advantage of past choices made by the player and importing the 'world state' to inform certain changes. BioWare even commissioned a dedicated website for people's Dragon Age 'careers' called Dragon Age Keep so decisions are all tracked.

The next Dragon Age is likely in development for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf
Solas, the Dread Wolf. Some say he might be an ancient elven god, but some say not. Others say a betrayer of his peop...
Release Dates
Next Quarter-Xbox Series X
Next Quarter-PC
Next Quarter-PS5
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