Standing as a shining lighthouse amidst the ruins of humanity and t...
Standing as a shining lighthouse amidst the ruins of humanity and the numerically named City, The Belfry provides a safe haven from the monstrous threats dwelling just beyond its fortifications. You are an Ace, freshly emerged from the spirit realm, armed with the skills, courage, and resolve necessary to safeguard the Belfry's denizens. Accompanied by loyal spirit comrades, you are destined to...
Standing as a shining lighthouse amidst the ruins of humanity and the numerically named City, The Belfry provides a safe haven from the monstrous threats dwelling just beyond its fortifications. You are an Ace, freshly emerged from the spirit realm, armed with the skills, courage, and resolve necessary to safeguard the Belfry's denizens. Accompanied by loyal spirit comrades, you are destined to face the front lines.
Are you the Ace that humanity needs in its struggle for survival? Uncover your destiny in Towerborne, the latest action-adventure offering from Stoic, the acclaimed studio behind the award-winning Banner Saga trilogy.